1864 - Evidence on the employment of

356. The buttons made at this factory are principally bone,
wood, vegetable ivory, and horn, and . several of the features
of the employment in this and factories of the same kind differ
considerably from those where other buttons only are made,
though some covered linen and silk buttons are made here also.
357. The bone is boiled in a building in the middle of the
premises, with an open door leading into a shop in which three
boys, one of 8 years old, and. a girl, assist a man and a
woman in making horn buttons. The smell in both these shops
was offensive; in the bone-boiling shop, though no boiling
was going on, apparently from sacks full of bones and refuse
bone lying about; in the horn button shop from horn being
heated over stoves to soften it for pressing. At the time
of the cholera complaint was made of the bone-boiling here.
358. The greater part of the work is done by steam machinery,
much of which appears highly dangerous, from exposed shafts,
wheels, and bands, the protection originally provided being
in many cases quite insufficient, and even that in some cases
having been broken away and not replaced. The boxing of a
large band, close beside a woman, had been away for several
months. I saw, however, none but adults engaged near any parts
which I noticed to be dangerous; but it appears that young
persons of either sex may be, and the works were but very
partially filled.
359. Circular saws for cutting ivory-nuts, &c., a work
of great risk, which few appear to escape without more or
less serious injury, were attended only by men; but this is
said not to be the case in p1aces where the trade unions do
not succeed in keeping out youths from the work.
360. Some of the shops are very low, the rafters in one or
two cases knocking my hat, and many are dirty from thickly
and apparently long accumulated dust of bone, wood, &c.,
resting on floors, &c., hanging from roofs and ceilings
in cobwebs, &c. In one shop flour-like dust fell at intervals
from the floor above, shaken down apparently by the vibration
caused by the machinery. These unfavourable appearances may
be owing in a great measure to the oldness of the buildings
and the depressed state of the trade for some time past.
361. Mr. John Cope.The number of persons that I employ
is now about 100, but it varies much, and in good trade would
be half as many again; the greater part are females from 7
or 8 years old upwards; but there are some boys, some at machines
and some at odd jobs. Of the females, the elder work at steam
lathes or hand presses; the children assist by putting in
for the press women, being paid by them, at- first about 1s.
or 1s. 3d. a week. The women cannot do without these children
now. No doubt they did all themselves formerly, but since
the prices have sunk so low it is necessary to employ children
to make up by saving in the wages.
There would be no inconvenience in having two sets of children,
or limiting young persons to work within a day of 12 hours.
It is rarely that the hours are exceeded here. It is not to
the interest of the manufacturer to work long hours, especially
where there is machinery. The shorter the time in which he
can get the work done, the better. The people themselves cannot
work so well beyond the regular time.
My people generally have a half-day on Saturday, and make
up for it by adding an hour to the other evenings during the
week. It is much better for both workpeople and the employers.
It gives the well-disposed an opportunity of getting into
the country and enjoying themselves, and also improving their
It is very desirable to see whether anything can be done to
better the condition of the working classes. The effect of
some restrictive principle, as regards the young, would, no
doubt, be beneficial; the work would, no doubt, be done if
necessary, arrangements being made earlier and carried out
more punctually. The effect would either be that the lazy
workpeople would have to give place to those who would work
or that more would be employed.
The pearl button trade is an entirely distinct branch of the
button manufacture; it has been most seriously affected in
common with all haberdashery by the depression of cotton.
Youths are kept out of it to a great degree by the combinations
of workmen.
A great deal of work is done in the town in little shops in
back courts, a dozen children, perhaps, being huddled together
in a shop. Perhaps the japan button makers are in as rough
a state as any; some of them are as black as little sweeps.
There are a great number of evening schools in the town, and
if any of my people want to go I always let them.
362. Robert Harris.Turn wood buttons. Began at about
the age of 15 or 16, at which age boys often begin. Do not
consider it unhealthy. Bone working is healthy; know this
because when the cholera came the bone boiling here was complained
of as a nuisance, and it was decided that it was not injurious.
Find no inconvenience from the dust myself. Have not seen
any accidents from the shafts.
[His face and back of head are yellow with layers of wood
363. Samuel Hines.Saw bone for buttons with a circular
steam saw. Began the trade at 17, and have worked at it for
40 years, but have only sawn for 20 years. It is very dangerous
work; you soon nip a finger off; I have cut a piece off the
end of each of my forefingers and slit up my thumb nail, the
mark of which will never go. Some work a long time without
an accident, but it's all chance. If a bone is cracked you
are liable to be hurt;m there are some that are lamed altogether,
and no good at all afterwards. Some learn sawing as lads,
but we're against lads because of the Society. If many lads
learned, it would over-run the trade and give our children
no chance. It's that that has ruined the trade; we have about
stopped it now.
In Sheffield the work is done in a different and safer way,
i.e., with a gauge, instead of pushing the bone against the
saw with the hand, but we fancy it don't work so quick.
364. Charles Perkins, adult.Turn bone buttons on a lathe.
Lads begin this at about 15 if big enough.
365. Robert Fillan.Turn. Sometimes girls have drilled
at the lathes opposite. A girl of 12 could do some parts of
366. Mary Cardley, age 18.Drill vegetable-ivory buttons
at a lathe, and have done so for six years. Have no particular
time of work, because we have what we can get; but usually
we work from 9 till 7. Have worked for a week together till
9. Have come at 6 a.m. And worked until 9 or 10 p.m. Five
or six years ago, but there has not been much work lately.
Bring my victuals with me. Went to the lacquer brass nails
when I was, I daresay, turned 7. There were a tidy few girls,
and some the same size as I. Our hours were from 8 till 7.
Ain't such a capital reader; daresay I should have to spell
some words [reads a child's book]. Cannot write. Have heard
that diamonds are got from the seaside.
367. Ellen Moore, age 12.Sort buttons. Was never at
day-school, but go on Sundays sometimes. Cannot read at all.
Went to service as a nurse when going in 7.
368. Eliza Owen, age 13.Card buttons. Sewed for mother
at home before. Was at the day-school when living in a village
near Birmingham, and could read a little then, but forget
it all now, and cannot write; do not go on Sunday now.
369. Berkeley Coleman, age 8.Carry dies from the press
to the emptier in the horn-button shop. Cracked nuts before.
Don't know all the letters. Was never at Sunday school, because
I ain't got no clothes to go in.
370. George Mitchell, age 13.Empty the horn-button dies.
Was never at school on a week day but go on Sunday. Know the
[Has perspiration in his place from the heat of the place
in which he stands by the stoves.]
371. Thomas Regan, age 13.Was at week school two or
three months. Cannot read.
[These three boys are employed by a man.]
372. Fanny Smith, age 13.Crap {sic} buttons
at a press and work for the woman, who pays me 2s. 3d. A week.
Don't know the letters, or what I heard at chapel, or whether
I was told about Christ there, or know who He was, or know
the Queen's name.
