Wrightson's Triennial Directory

Hammond, Bonham's Executors, Great Hampton Street (for significance, see 'wills')
Hammond, Turner and Dickenson, button makers, Snow Hill

Hammond, Bonham's executors
Hammond, Turner & Sons

Hammond, Samuel, Birmingham Heath (for significance, see 'wills')
Turner John and Son, button manufacturers, 100, Snow Hill
Turner John, Birmingham Heath
Bragg George, maltster and wine merchant, 94, Weaman Street and Birchfield ('wills')

Hammond, Turner and Sons, gilt, metal, and pearl button, &c. manufacturers, and pearl-shell dealers, 100, Snow Hill
Bragg, George, wine and spirit, merchant and importer, Shakspeare Rooms, New Street
Bragg, George, New Street and Turner, John and William, Snow Hill: all three were listed as Commissioners of the Street Act.

Hammond, Turner and Sons, gilt, metal, and pearl button manufs. and pearlshell
dealers, 100, Snow Hill
Bragg, George, wine and spirit merchant, 96 New Street
Bragg, George and Turner, John were both listed as Commissioners of the Street Act.

Hammond, Turner and Sons, button manufacturers, Snow Hill
Bragg, George, wine and spirit merchant, 96 New Street ('wills')
Titley and Bragg, wine and spirit merchants, 68, New Street
Bragg, George and Turner, John were both listed as Commissioners of the Street Act.


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