crossing the
water /
when i gave
- © John Close 2003
Email to Marge McKinnis
10th February 2003
Hi Marge,
Here's "When I gave" without the lead. Also a new tune
[crossing the water]. I don't anticipate doing much composing
from now on but whatever i do i'll send you, you can be sure.
At the moment I am listening to any old thing i fancy and trying
to generally calm myself. I cannot compose in the way i did last
November, when i wrote the tunes for "No Door" mostly
from scratch, and I don't want to just turn out hack work to prove
i can.
If I can set any of your words, I will do so, but it's not so
easy for me now. I am having to let go rather than take on. That's
where life is leading me, and I'm not a fighter, just attempting,
as before, compromise.