The One That Holds My Heart
Written byJohn Close 1977

Written New Years Day 1977, whilst out walking off a mammoth hangover.  I was staying with my father's end of the family, my Aunt Margaret, who lived near Roker in Sunderland. At the time I was working for British Rail in the yard at Wolverton so I was eligible for cheap tickets.

We spent the Eve in the Navy Club at Roker and the following morning I went out early and walked in a stiff breeze in Roker Park. As my body got sober my head started making up this tune which I held onto for two days until I returned to Milton Keynes, whereupon I put it all on paper and cassette tape.

The years of sad experience
They weigh upon me now
I cannot rest as once I did
The laurel on my brow
Yet still I make my old pretence
And still I play my part
And still I know I'll always miss
The one that holds my heart

For as blithe as the morning
and sure as falls the dark
o, how I wish that she were here
the one that holds my heart

The eyes he had they shone so bright
And oh, they shone for me
In all this world a fairer light
I know I shall not see
Yet still I turn away from truth
That I said we should part
To find when years have gone, he is
The one that holds my heart

This wintertime has been so long
And summer far too short
The freedom I once hoped to gain
Too dearly has been bought
For now my heart with sorrow fills
That I did once depart
And in that springtime I left behind
The one that holds my heart
